Research Agreement
Agreement to participate in Working Credit Research
1) I understand that Working Credit is a non-profit research organization as well as a service provider, and studies the results of its Program to improve its services and provide guidance to organizations around the country about what individuals can do to improve their credit scores.
2) I understand that Working Credit is asking for my consent to participate in Working Credit’s research, and that if I provide consent:
a. I do not have to do anything differently from what I would normally do to receive Working Credit’s services.
b. Working Credit will never use my name or any other personal identifying information for research purposes;
c. Working Credit may use other information I share with my counselor (i.e., information that does not include my name or personal identifying information) for research purposes only, and;
d. I can withdraw this consent, at any time, by sending a request by text, email, or letter to my Working Credit counselor.
3) I understand that, even if I do not consent to participate in Working Credit’s research, I can still participate in Working Credit’s Program.
4) I understand that I can contact Kristin Schell, Working Credit’s Chief Program Officer regarding this research or my rights, before signing this agreement (see Kristin’s contact information at the end of this agreement).
Any questions about this agreement can be directed to:
Kristin Schell, Chief Program Officer
Working Credit
111 West Washington Street, Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60602 or (314) 252-8342